Adhesive Savings


What is the an easy way to realize savings from your manufactured product cost? Eliminating excess and wasteful material usage within your product. The Graco Invisipac Hot Melt unit accomplishes limiting adhesive savings in two ways. The first way being rather obvious, the second – not so much.

The first, obvious way is through applying a pattern or stitch rather than a complete bead, using the units built-in pattern controller. The Invisipac makes this an intuitive process through the HMI, their advanced display module. You’ll first enter where you want the bead to start on the your box (either distance or timed based) and then how long you’d like your bead to go for. If enabled, you then check a box and enter a percentage of what percentage “savings” you’d like to see with a stitch. That’s it! The system will then automatically take care of ensuring it always applies your first and last anchor beads, and stitching between as much as it takes to see your percentage savings. This is easily changed on the fly while you are tuning your desired adhesive, but also just as easy to lock down with a password. The system then keeps track of adhesive usage per box, so it will be easy to see, monitor, and be alerted if any settings are changed.

The second way the system saves you adhesive is not as obvious, and is a new concept to the industry. Since the Invisipac has a first-in-first-out, melt on demand design, the system is able to maintain a very tight temperature tolerance on the adhesive form the time it is melted until it is applied. Since the adhesive pellets melt as they travel through the patented honeycomb melter – they come up to temp and stay there throughout the rest of the process. In this way, due to the way the system controls temperature and pressure, you are constantly given adhesive with the same viscosity. A more viscous fluid is resistant to flow, whereas a less viscous fluid is more likely to flow. By keeping a constant viscosity, you avoid an opportunity for a colder, less viscous adhesive to cause pop opens, and entertain savings by eliminating times when over heated adhesive would move quicker through the nozzle. Because you don’t have to account for times when adhesive is less viscous, many times nozzles can be downsized and save around 15-20% on adhesive usage even before changing a pattern. Further, the chemical composition of the adhesive remains stable and as designed, since it is never ciruculated or continuously combined with cold, unmelted glue as in traditional tank systems.

If you are looking for hot melt adhesive savings, the Graco Invisipac is the most innovative technology in the marketplace at this time. 

The Minnesota company has put extreme effort in finding a need in the manufacturing environment and filling that need with a robust hot melt adhdesive solution.

While talk is good, action is better. Complete Adhesive Systems would like to come to your facility to do a baseline test, to show you your current adhesive per box usage, and give you an idea of how much adhesive savings we could provide on application.

In addition, labor savings on maintenance and start-up time, and parts savings from the durability of the equipment, the savings add up quickly. 

Clients of ours have seen overall savings 

of 50% or greater.

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